11C1P -  High Angle Hell!

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White Settlement Church Shooting Dec. 2019

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Live stream video of the White Settlement (West of Ft. Worth, TX) church shooting 29 Dec. 2019. Good guys with guns stopped the shooting after bad guy got off 2-3 shots.

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StampedePrime 5 years ago

Never try to draw a weapon on a drawn weapon. He did not learn that in CC class. That is the reason the shooter took him down first cause he was the closest and took too long to draw his weapon.

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11C1P -  High Angle Hell!

When he initially started drawing the guy didn't have his gun all the way out & initially didn't aim it at him, but the combination of bad carry position (SOB) made it a longer & more obvious draw to begin with & then it looked like he wasn't well practiced with the draw. No matter which way you carry, practice your draw. Then I'd also suggest avoiding SOB carry.

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2Alifestyle 5 years ago

That's why every time I go to church im armed at all times

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PeaceKeeperEDC 5 years ago

I'm glad the church members were armed.

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sirdavid 5 years ago

If I can't download it, can you email it to me? I think youtube took down or edited all the copies. I can't find it anywhere.

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sirdavid 5 years ago

How can I download this video?

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NC Gun Guy
NC Gun Guy 5 years ago

Good posting. I’d like to show this at my church.

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