NicTaylor00 16 May 2018

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Mosin Nagant Trigger Return Spring Installation - Simple Upgrade

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It pains me to browse online videos for help with a DIY task only to find videos that don't show good examples or the instructions are just plain vague. I find it more and more difficult to find good quality do it yourself videos. It's one of the main reasons I produce online videos. To try and better explain the process or tasks people are searching for. In this video I will show you detailed instructions on how to field strip and disassemble your Mosin Nagant rifle so that you can install the return trigger torsion spring. I hope I provided enough instruction and was able to show clear and concise video for you to easily understand and install your own spring. If you feel that I have accomplished this quest, please share the video and stop by my website

If you own one of the many imported Mosin Nagant rifle & carbine variations, chances are you are experiencing a "floppy trigger". Just like low testosterone there is a cure for this flaccid condition except less embarrassing. The solution is a simple low cost TRIGGER RETURN SPRING KIT installed on the trigger pin. You can get your trigger return spring kit at The procedure is easy assuming you can field strip / dis-assemble your rifle and put it back together. This is an instructional video showing the procedure and noting some of the pitfalls you may encounter (if any). Additionally, detailed photos with step by step instructions can be found at

Installation of the spring kit should in no way affect the weight of your trigger pull. It's a simple non permanent solution to an annoying problem that owners of this fantastic surplus rifle have to deal with.

STEP 1: With rifle unloaded, remove the bolt by opening the bolt and pull to rear with trigger depressed.

STEP 2: If present, remove cleaning rod by unscrewing

STEP 3: Depress and slide off both barrel bands towards the muzzle.

STEP 4: Once the barrel bands are off, you can remove the top hand guard.

STEP 5: Remove the screw on the underside of the rifle just in front of the magazine and the screw on top at the rear of the receiver.

STEP 6: Remove the magazine and trigger guard.

STEP 7: Remove the barreled receiver from the wooden stock.

STEP 8: Remove the screw in front of the trigger. If yours is tight, heat may be needed to break it free.

STEP 9: Remove the trigger pin. Depending on your rifle, this pin may only go in/out in one direction. Remove the trigger and sear.

STEP 10: Install the curved washer.

STEP 11: Place the sear and trigger in place and re-install the screw.

STEP 12: Install trigger pin halfway through and use the included fishing line to pull the return spring through so that the trigger pin can pass through the spring.

Music by TeknoAXE, "Cover Blown"

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